ABB 5SHY35454545454692692R2692R0001 GVC732 AE01 Thy01 theristor

Hom: abb

Yam khoom No: 5shy354545454545454692r0004692r0001 GVC732 AE01

Chav Nqe: 1000 $

Tus mob: Brand tshiab thiab qub

Kev Ruaj Ntseg: 1 Xyoo

Kev Them Nyiaj: T / T thiab Western Union

Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 2-3 hnub

Chaw nres nkoj Shipping: Tuam Tshoj

(Thov nco ntsoov tias tus nqi tsim nyog yuav raug hloov kho raws li kev ua lag luam hloov lossis lwm yam. Tus nqi tshwj xeeb yog yuav raug daws.)

Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv

Cov ntaub ntawv dav dav

Tsim Abb
Yam khoom tsis tau 5shy3545l0003
Kab Npaus 3BHB004692R0001 GVC732 AE01
Ib yam dhau ib yam VFD Drives ib feem
Lub hauv paus Swunden
Qho loj dav 73 * 233 * 212 (hli)
Qho hnyav 0.5kg
Tus lej Kev lis hauj lwm TMIFF 85389091


Cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws

ABB 5SHY35454545454692692R2692R0001 GVC732 AE01 Thy01 theristor

ABB 5SHY3545454692R0004 3BHB004692R0001 GVC732 AE01 THETOR yog lub ntaus ntawv thyristor lossis cov khoom siv hluav taws xob. Nws yog txuam nrog voltage thiab lub zog tswj cov tshuab uas meej cov kev cai ntawm hluav taws xob siv tau rau kev siv cov ntawv thov kev lag luam.

Nws siv hauv cov kab ke nyob qhov twg voltage xav tau precisely tswj tau kom zoo faib hluav taws xob thiab thauj khoom ntsuas. Tseem ceeb rau cov tshuab uas hloov zog ntawm AC rau DC, lossis kev tswj hwm cov kev siv lub zog uas muaj zog tswj tau.

Siv nyob rau hauv cov chaw tsim hluav taws xob loj uas cov neeg uas koj nyiam hloov los tswj cov hluav taws xob thiab cov khoom siv tam sim no thiab tam sim no siv rau lub cev muaj zog. HVDC tshuab (POLTORNAGE ncaj qha tam sim no) Thyristor Modules yog cov tseem ceeb siv los hloov fais fab dhau qhov kev ncua ntev nrog kev poob qis.

Tsim los daws cov peev txheej loj, cov khaub thuas nyob rau hauv cov qauv no tuaj yeem hloov siab siab thiab cov dej ntws nrog kev ntseeg siab. Yooj yim ua ke rau hauv cov hluav taws xob loj ua ib feem ntawm cov qauv ua haujlwm. Siv hauv kev lag luam, kev siv Automation thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob vim lawv lub ruggedness thiab kev ntseeg tau.


Cov Lus Nquag Nug txog cov khoom yog raws li hauv qab no:

-What yog Abb 5shy3545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454?
Lub ABB 5shy354545454 yog ib tug thyristor module hauv abb cov khoom lag luam. Nws yog siv rau hauv kev siv cov kev siv uas yuav tsum tau kho lub zog hluav taws xob, xws li lub cev muaj zog ua haujlwm, thiab cov hluav taws xob kev tswj hwm.

-What tus lej 3bHB004692R2R0001 hais txog?
3BHB004692R0001 may be an ABB internal product code that identifies a specific data sheet or reference document for the 5SHY3545L0003 or other related components.

-What tus GVC732 AE01 txhais tau li cas?
GVC732 AE01 yog hais txog ib hom qauv lossis version ntawm lub tswv yim uas yog los yog voltage tswj cov system hauv Abb GVC koob. "AE01" Qhia txog cov version tshwj xeeb lossis kev teeb tsa ntawm ib feem. Lub Cheeb Tsam GVC yog siv rau cov kev cai fais fab thiab voltage tswj hauv cov chaw muaj ib puag ncig.

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa mus rau peb