Infensys Triconx 4119a txhim kho kev txawj ntse kev txawj ntse module

Hom: Invensys Triconex

Yam khoom No: TriconeX 4119a

Chav Nqe: 2888 $

Tus mob: Brand tshiab thiab qub

Kev Ruaj Ntseg: 1 Xyoo

Kev Them Nyiaj: T / T thiab Western Union

Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 2-3 hnub

Chaw nres nkoj Shipping: Tuam Tshoj

Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv

Cov ntaub ntawv dav dav

Tsim Invensys Triconx
Yam khoom tsis tau 4119a
Kab Npaus 4119a
Ib yam dhau ib yam Lub Tshuab Trricon
Lub hauv paus Tebchaws Asmeskas (Asmeskas)
Qho loj dav 500 * 500 * 150 (hli)
Qho hnyav 3 kg
Tus lej Kev lis hauj lwm TMIFF 85389091
Ntaus Txhim khu kev txawj ntse sib txuas lus module


Cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws

Infensys Triconx 4119a txhim kho kev txawj ntse kev txawj ntse module

Khoom nta:

The Model 4119A Enhanced Intelligent Communications Module (EICM) allows Tricon to communicate with Modbus masters and slaves, TriStation 1131, and printers. Rau modbus sib txuas, cov neeg siv EICM tuaj yeem xaiv ntawm RS-232 taw tes-rau-point interface (rau ib tus tswv thiab ib tus tswv thiab mus txog 32 qhev). Tus Rs-485 network Backgley tuaj yeem yog ib lossis ob khub sib npaug ntawm 4,000 ko taw (1,200 meters).

Cov chaw nres nkoj serial: 4 Rs-232, Rs-422, lossis Rs-485 chaw nres nkoj
Parallel chaw nres nkoj: 1, centtronics, cais
Chaw nres nkoj rho nyiaj: 500 VDC
Cov Txheej Txheem: Tristation, Modberticonex Chassis Cheebtsam
Lub ntsiab chassis, cov kev teeb tsa kub-exensity, suav nrog cov cim luam tawm phau ntawv 8110
Kev nthuav dav chassis, cov kev teeb tsa kub-siab 811
Kev nthuav dav chassis, txhim kho cov kev teeb tsa tsawg kawg nkaus 8121
Cov chaw taws teeb nthuav chassis, cov kev teeb tsa kub-siab 8112
I / o Chaw Nyob Ruaj Ntseg Cable (teeb 3) 9000
Kuv / O-Com-com npav nthuav dav Cable (teeb tsa 3) 9001
Dawb paug I / o slot vaj huam sib luag 8105

Ua kom cov kev xaiv sib txuas rau koj cov kev nyab xeeb hauv kev nyab xeeb. Sib txuas lus nrog ntau cov khoom siv thiab cov qauv.
Yooj yim cov ntaub ntawv sib pauv thiab kev sib xyaw ua ke. Ntau cov qauv kev txhawb nqa: Txhawb kev lag luam qauv xws li modbus thiab tristation rau seamless kev sib txuas lus.

Muab ntau qhov RS-232 / Rs-422 / Rs-485 serial chaw nres nkoj thiab ib qho chaw nres nkoj parallel rau ntau txoj kev sib txuas. Muab kev sib txuas lus siab rau kev sib txuas lus tseem ceeb. Paub meej teeb liab kev ncaj ncees thiab txo cov hluav taws xob hluav taws xob.

Cov Kev Tshwj Xeeb:
Qauv 4119a, cais
Serial chaw nres nkoj 4 chaw nres nkoj Rs-232, Rs-422, lossis Rs-485
Parallel chaw nres nkoj 1, centronics, cais
Chaw nres nkoj rho 500 VDC


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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa mus rau peb