Ge Is200JPDGh1ABC DC Power Distribution Module

Marika: GE

Vidiny Unit: 999 $

Toetra: marika vaovao sy tany am-boalohany

Famarino ny kalitao: 1 taona

Fandoavam-bola: T / T sy Western Union

Fotoana fandefasana: 2-3 andro

Seranan-tsambo: Shina

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Product tags

Fampahalalana ankapobeny

fanamboarana GE
Item no
Laharana lahatsoratra
LASA Etazonia (Etazonia)
lafiny 180 * 180 * 30 (mm)
Lanja 0.8 kg
Taratasim-pandrosoana 85389091


Data Detailed

Ge Is200JPDGh1ABC DC Power Distribution Module

Ny GE Is200JPDGh1ABC dia ny Module fizarana DC izay mizara ny hery fanaraha-maso sy ny famoaham-pahefana amin'ny famoaham-bahoaka amin'ny singa isan-karazany amin'ny singa isan-karazany ao anatin'ny rafitra fanaraha-maso. The IS200JPDGH1ABC module is designed to support dual DC power supplies, ensuring redundancy and reliability of power distribution. It can operate wet power distribution at 24 V DC or 48 V DC, providing flexibility to meet different system requirements. All 28 V DC outputs on the module are fuse-protected, enhancing the safety and reliability of the power distribution system. The IS200JPDGH1ABC receives 28 V DC input power from an external AC/DC or DC/DC converter and distributes it to control system components. Mampiditra ny rafitra fizarana herdia (pdm) sy ny fifandraisana amin'ny PPDA I / O hanaraha-maso ny fahasalaman'ny rafi-pampianarana herinaratra.

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-Raha rafitra fanaraha-maso GE dia io module io?

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