Abb 81ab03B-E 81AA03 GJR2392500r1210 Analog Input Module

Brand: Abb

Item No: 81ab03b-e 81aa03 GJR2392500r1210

Mutengo Unit: 999 $

Mamiriro: Brand nyowani uye yekutanga

Mhando yepamusoro yeGuarantee: 1 gore

Kubhadhara: T / T uye Western Union

Nguva yekutumira: Zuva re23

Kutumira Port: China


Chigadzirwa Chinhu

Zvigadzirwa tags

General info

Gadzira Abb
Chinhu kwete 81ab03b-e 81AA03
Chinyorwa Chinyorwa GJR2392900R1210
Series Procontrol
Mabviro Siwidheni
Dimension 73 * 233 * 212 (mm)
Uremu 2.1kg
Tsika Tariff nhamba 85389091
Analog Input module


Yakadzama data

Abb 81ab03B-E 81AA03 GJR2392500r1210 Analog Input Module

81AAA03 ABB 16 nzira, 1 Do Butput Per Channel 24 v, 100 Ma Activate Myputs, Dzokorora nemwenje.
Kutsiva: 81Ab01r1010, 81ab10r0100, 81ab10r0200

HS Code:
854231-- Zvemagetsi zvakabatanidzwa. - Electronic integrated circuits:--Processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits or other circuits

Isu tiri kambani yebasa iri kunongedza mukutengesa uye kuchengetedza zvigadzirwa zvekushandisa. We always have various scarce or discontinued internationally renowned automation parts in stock.At the same time, we provide the fastest and most efficient maintenance services for all kinds of customers.


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